Calendar Settings Pane Fields and Buttons

You can synchronize your TrafficLIVE calendar with Google, Exchange, or Exchange 365. Use these fields and buttons to enable synchronization and set up the appropriate parameters for the type of external calendar that you want to synchronize with TrafficLIVE.

Attention: In the following descriptions, and in the related procedures, the term external calendar refers to a Google, Exchange, or Exchange 365 calendar.
Field Description
Group Mode Enabled on Calendars Select this check box to enable grouping by default on your My Calendar page so that you can move multiple intervals that belong to one task as a group.
Enable Calendar Sync Select this check box to enable calendar synchronization.
External Calendar Type Choose the type of external calendar that you want to synchronize with your TrafficLIVE calendar from the drop-down: GOOGLE, EXCHANGE, or EXCHANGE_365.

For Exchange and Exchange 365 synchronization only:

Enter your login ID for Exchange or the Exchange server.


For Exchange and Exchange 365 synchronization only:

Enter your password for Exchange or the Exchange server.

Exchange Server URL

For Exchange synchronization only:

Enter the URL to the Exchange server.

OAuth 2.0 Authentication

For Google synchronization only:

Click to set up access to Google so that you can synchronize your TrafficLIVE calendar with a Google calendar.

Sync Allocations Select this check box to synchronize allocations so that you can see them in your external calendar as well as your TrafficLIVE calendar.
Sync Booked Time (Two-Way) Select this check box to synchronize booked time between your TrafficLIVE calendar and an external calendar. Using this option enables synchronization in both directions.
Time Zone Select your time zone from the drop-down to change it from the company default (UTC).
Logged Time Min. Duration Use or enter a value to replace the default time entry size that TrafficLIVE uses when you drag a time entry into your calendar.
Time Slot Min. Duration Use or enter a value that is the smallest duration for which you can create a time entry. (This may be different from the default drag-and-drop size that Logged Time Min. Duration specifies.)
Drag/Drop Snap Duration Use or enter a value to make the start time of the time period snap to the nearest specified number of minutes. This ensures that time is dragged starting at 10:00 am, rather than 10:05 am, for example.